Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Update on the paper/presentation

i ended up sleeping through class today...that always sucks...but i was able to get to the library in the meantime and attempt to do some research for this project. My paper is on the use of lists/catalogues in literary and how the reader has interpreted their usage.

I haven't found any great books in the library as of yet, some okay ones anyways, but I got some really interested articles coming in on ILL (Inter-Library Loan). It is pretty difficult I found to do any kind of search using the terms "list" or "catalogue"...I mean around 4080 articles too difficult.

Interestingly enough I have found two articles discussing James Joyce's throwback to the catalogue style, that's always an easy way to make Sexson happy referencing the mind behind Finnegans Wake....

After I finished Yates I was interested in his comments about Robert Fludd and the attempts of scholars to reconstruct the Globe Theatre.

There is here a conversation between a unconvinced (Im guessing Shakespearean) scholar who thinks the Fludd/Globe Theatre argument is weak and dubious; and Frances Yates herself.
Anyways, just in case anyone is interested.

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